An electronic copy of the manuscript should be emailed to IPA at info (at), Microsoft Word.doc format. The manuscript should include the author’s full name and full contact details on a separate page.
The title page should contain the full title, subtitle (optional), abstract (100-150 words) and key words (5-10) in alphabetical order.
Submission of work to International Political Anthropology is taken to imply that the same manuscript is not under consideration by another journal.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for using any material previously published elsewhere.
Copyright will be assigned according to Creative Commons License 3.0. Authors retain their right to reuse the material in other publications due to be published at least one year after initial publication in the journal. If authors reuse their work, or post it elsewhere (e.g. in an electronic library), they are required to state the original source of publication.
Submissions should conform to the following stylistic requirements:
a) Length: Manuscripts should be between 7.000-9.000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Contributions to the Reflections Section should not exceed 5.000 words. Contributions to Book Reviews should normally not exceed 2.000 words. These counts include all text, endnotes, references, etc. Review articles and book reviews must contain the bibliographic details of the book(s) being reviewed, including Title, Subtitle, Full Name of Author(s), Publisher, Year of Publication, Number of Pages, ISBN.
b) Spelling and punctuation: Authors may employ either American or English forms, provided that style is used consistently throughout their submission.
c) Text to be clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings and quotations exceeding 40 words displayed, indented, in the text.
d) End notes, if necessary, should be signaled by superscript numbers in the main text and listed at the end of the text before the references.
e) Collect all bibliographic information into a reference list at the end of the article, to which readers should be referred by in-text references.
f) References in both the text and any end notes should follow Harvard style. References are cited in the text thus: (author, date: page)
g) An alphabetical references section should follow the text (and end notes if any), using the Harvard system.
e) Tables: supply tables and figures as separate files and their position indicated by a note in the text. All tables should have short descriptive captions with footnotes and their source(s) typed below the tables.
f) Illustrations: supply figures as separate files and their position indicated by a note in the text. All line diagrams and photographs are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing). Illustrations on disk should be supplied as TIFF or EPS files at high resolution. All figures should have short descriptive captions and must be submitted as separate documents.
g) The editors retain the right to make minor stylistic changes to the finally accepted typescript. Any substantial changes will be referred back to the author.
"We will review your submission and send it back to you with comments. 
However, we do not accept multiple submissions or 'vanishing authors';
-we would like to ask your implicit consent for publication with IPA (of course this does not imply immediate acceptance for publication by us, the IPA editors);
-you have the option to withdraw your manuscript from publication (by sending a return e-mail to this one) within a reasonable amount of time of 24 hours from your submission.
These are our suggestions and we are asking politely every author to follow these rules, as in general, there is an important amount of time and effort from our part to readjust a manuscript for publication." 
The Editors